martes, 21 de agosto de 2012

Your account for MITx's on-line 6.002

On march 1, 2012, I received an email with a subject like the one on this blog entry. After opening the email, I could read the following:  "Someone, hopefully you, signed up for an account for MITx's on-line offering of 6.002x using this email address."  It was me the very one who registered on 6.002x. So I was authorized by MIT's 6.002x to activate and to use the account. At that very moment I did not have any idea of the amount of effort that decision it would demand on me. But I was resolved to be a MIT student, to finish at the top, and to get the diploma.

I send several emails to fellow professors; telling them about this MIT web experiment. Some students, by their own, full of enthusiasm, decided to register. They kept that decision almost secret. They did not want to be bother by their peers with nerdy stigmas. I knew three of them were studying 6.002x. In the picture, from left to right, it is portrayed Fredy, Gabriel, Me and Juan. Gabriel did a perfect score. Only 340 got a perfect score on the final. So fewer than that number did completely perfect.

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