martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

Women in Engineering (II)

Today we visited our university radio. We came to talk about several of our initiatives. First, We talked about our project of visiting junior and high female schools. The IEEE student branch has adopted this initiative.For all of us, It was our first experience talking in a radio show. Sometimes, It was a bit claustrophobic. But In general we manage to deliver the message.

Below in the picture, Daniel and Fredy are waiting the beginning of the interview.
We still don't know the impact our effort will have. But one thing it is true, things are not going to change if we  just ignore them. Below, Mauricio talked about the IEEE, university student branch, and the different projects they are working on.
Tomorrow, again, We have to visit a middle school. We have to continue talking about electrical engineer. We are ready to introduce new experiments.

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